Scheduling for Assistants
Keeping your forward appointment book filled with appointments ensures your practice is on a sure footing for success. The Instinctive Notes scheduling feature is designed to help you achieve a forward appointment book that has more appointments without the pain of old note taking systems.
Overview of Scheduling
The scheduling feature of Instinctive Notes allows planning and tracking of future appointments for the clients of your practice.
Two types of schedule can be generated:
- structured plan for clients where a focused treatment plan is put in place to treat a specific issue
- wellness for clients who visit regularly, but less often, for treatment focused on long term health and wellbeing
A structured plan defines the number of appointments that a client should have per week up to 12 weeks in the future. Assessment appointments can also be specified.
Wellness can set the schedule in weeks between appointments and how many visits should happen before the next assessment.
Scheduling on the Instinctive Notes Web Site
When you log in to the Instinctive Notes Web Site at you are presented with the Home screen. Scheduling information is front a centre on this screen allowing quick and easy access while you are discussing future appointments with your clients.
Every time a clinical note is taken by a practitioner in your practice scheduling detail from that note will be placed at the top of the list on the "Home" page.
The client's name and the time of the note are clearly shown at the top of each note.
There are two types of schedule information shown, a structured plan schedule and a wellness schedule. Let's explore each of these in turn.
Structured Plan Schedule
A structured plan schedule is generally used when a client is on a formal treatment plan, often to deal with a specific issue. Schedules of this type tend to have one or more appointments planned per week over a number of weeks.
The plan schedule detail shows the recommended appointment schedule over the next 8 weeks.
Each week has the number of appointments which should be booked for that week.
The current week also shows the number of times a client has already seen the practitioner so it is clear if a client is on track to meet the recommended treatment plan. Changes to appointments in the current week can easily be identified and made to get a client back on their plan and make sure they don't put their treatment outcomes at risk.
Any week in which an assessment is planned will be indicated with the word 'Review' beside the number of appointments.
The schedule also indicates any recommended supplements which the Chiropractor has recorded for the client.
Wellness Schedule
A wellness schedule is generally used when a client is focused on long term health and wellness. Schedules of this type tend to have appointments a number of weeks apart on a regular basis.
The wellness schedule detail shows the number of weeks between each appointment for this client. The number of visits until an assessment should be booked is also shown.
Finishing Up
Scheduling is one of Instinctive Notes most powerful features - it is built to help you book more forward appointments and keep clients on their treatment plans with the minimum of effort. As an assistant it gives you access to all the information necessary to book future appointments.
The practitioners in your practice will no longer have to walk to the front desk with every client to make sure that the schedules are communicated correctly. You will look more professional in front of your clients by knowing their scheduling requirements before they even get to the front desk.
So now you know how to use scheduling in your daily activities. As always you can check out our other support resources or contact our support team if you have further questions.